What kind of oscilloscopes are qualified for measuring USB 3 Super Speed...
I understand that they probably will be very expensive. But I have little idea of what kind would qualify. How much bandwidth? At what sampling rate? Any other parameters?
View ArticleIs CFA appropriate for test retest reliability?
I know CFA is often used when there is a latent variable that has measurement error that can attenuate correlations. However, does it make sense to make this same adjustment for measurement error when...
View ArticleHow to measure speed without any mechanical or electrical connection?
I would like to build an as-much-portable device for measuring the speed of a vehicle, to check speedometer accuracy and know the offset if one present. The idea is a cigarette pack sized box one can...
View ArticleMeasuring the inter-winding capacitance of a multi-coil transformer
I want to measure the inter-winding capacitances of a multi coil/winding transformer. (To use them in a simulation) For a two winding transformer I would measure it by shorting out the individual...
View ArticleIR2110 – measuring Vb to Vs kills MOSFET
I got a new digital oscilloscope as a gift. As a training course, I observed some waveforms of my test 12V full bridge circuit that is driven by TL494 and two IR2110 operate the IRF3710 100V mosfets....
View ArticleHow to measure EMI without special equipment?
I have bought a cheap dashcam to play with, only to discover that my GPS receiver stops working when it’s on. After I ruled out power supply issues (both devices have batteries), I’m left with a...
View ArticleQuestions about sound card scope software?
This is a popular software for those people who don’t have a real oscilloscope or function generator: https://www.zeitnitz.eu/scope_en If anyone tried it before, would you answer my questions, please?...
View Articlehuman weight scale (60-180kg) with gram resolution [closed]
Is it possible to create a scale with a dynamic range of 5-6 figures? (measure the weight of a person in a gram resolution)? If not why? If yet, how?
View ArticleVenturi “Turn Down” [closed]
I’m sorry if this isn’t the right forum for this question, but physics is the only stackexchange which had many results for Venturi. I’m trying to measure the flow of air through a 16mm hose/pipe The...
View ArticleWhich one is more accurate: Digital oscilloscope or Analog oscilloscope?
I know it is some sort of wide question, but nowday I usually only see digital oscilloscopes around. I want to know if their digital nature will affect the accuracy of measurements? (Something like...
View ArticleValidate precise scale with less precise scale
Is it possible to validate the measurements of a precise scale with a scale wich is less precise? Let’s say I have a scale wich can display values down to 1g and another scale which can display the...
View ArticleHow is the total spin of a particle actually measured?
Say I have a fermion whose total spin I do not know. I then use a stern gerlach setup to measure $S_z$. If I find +1/2, I could say that the total spin is $1/2$. But it could also be the eigenket...
View ArticleHow to evaluate equivalent 'samples per second' from Time base value?
The following is from Tek DSO manual about the Time base and sample rates. When i turn the knob further, i am able to read values like M 100ms or M 250ms. What woud these evaluate to in terms of...
View ArticleHow to check what is the percentage of charge in my lead acid battery?
http://www.allbatteries.co.uk/media/pdf/AMP92108_FR.pdf I want to know how much percentage of the battery charge is left without buying any fancy equipment to measure it.
View ArticleAppropriate test to use for measurement data
I have developed a machine-vision program that calculates the diameter of trees from Google Streetview images and GPS data. In order to verify the accuracy of my results, I went out and physically...
View ArticleCalculating statistical significance of peak over background in counting...
I histogrammed the invariant masses of particular events in a counting experiment. There is a specific peak which towers over the expected exponential background. How can I give the statistical...
View Article12v (ish) measured by a 0-3.3v input pin [duplicate]
This question already has an answer here: How to Convert 0 to 10V analog signal to 0 to 2.5V for ADC input? 3 answers
View ArticleMeasuring Power Consumption of a Mixed-Voltage Device
TL;DR How can I measure the power consumption of a system that uses power supplies with multiple voltage outputs? Background I need to perform some power consumption tests on a desktop computer. I will...
View ArticleHow to calculate counting rate of two detectors in quantum eraser experiment?
How to calculate the counting rate between two detectors? In their paper this one , they use Glauber Formula. But I don’t know this formula and can’t find this formula online.
View ArticleHow can I measure radiance?
I’d like to measure radiance in order to see how accurate the Lambertian, Phong models are and maybe to measure the “shininess constant” of a material (which appears in the Phong Model) on some...
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